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Our support team stands ready to assist you
with all of your questions regarding Church Planting or the PlanterPortal.
This online tool is dedicated to serve our missionaries and associational mission strategists.
In Matthew 9:37, Jesus tells his disciples that “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” We are excited to assist missionaries and associational mission strategists who are sent by the Lord of the Harvest as laborers to share the gospel locally and globally. This tool allows churches, associations and your state convention to partner together in this great work.
This portal is designed to walk missionaries through the application process alongside the Missions Mobilization Team of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. It also serves to assist you in sharing what God is doing as you seek to keep partners involved and informed throughout your missions journey.
God is opening doors for missionaries and associational mission strategists in Kentucky. We are eager to explore with you what it means to walk with us through some of those doors as a fellow laborer.
Want to join-in on what God is doing in Kentucky? Explore these missions options.
Allow the KBC Missions Mobilization Team to help you discern your call toward missionary service. If you feel the Lord calling you to missions, let us help you with exploration, equipping, placement and active service.
Please click here to begin your mission service with us.
AMS are vital to churches in Kentucky! If you are an AMS, please share with us what God is doing. Let us know how we can pray for you and assist in your ministry.
click here to share reports and prayer concerns.
Our support team stands ready to assist you
with all of your questions regarding Church Planting or the PlanterPortal.